Saturday, June 7, 2014


on her first day in mauritius alyz was received in a press conference at the beautiful grounds of la pirogue resorts. she was accompanied by lolita hoarau miss earth reunion 2014 and her runner ups.

follow the link below  for the article:

what a beautiful background for a press conference. mauritius looks beautiful.

alyz looking so fresh and radiant coming from a long flight and straight into action for the envoironment.

1 comment:

  1. Why Miss Earth Reunion needs to welcome Miss Earth 2013 Alyz Henrich in Mauritius? Why Miss Earth Mauritius 2013 Virginie Dorza and the other Miss Earth Air, Water, Fire of Mauritius are not present in all this events. The Committee Miss Earth International and Carousel Production need to make a full inquiry on this issue from these people of the organising committee from Reunion Island. My last query why people from Reunion Island needs to be in-charge of Miss Earth in all the Islands in the Indian Ocean? Why not the local organisation of each Island organise their own Miss Earth Pageant?
